"Just when you thought you'd seen everything in the world of mobile phones comes this, the PerCushion Pillow Phone. Basically, it's a pillow (i.e. the thing you use to sleep on) with a Bluetooth device embedded inside it that connects to your mobile phone (i.e. the thing you do not use to get a good night's sleep!).
Not only Bluetooth - the PerCushion also comes with an integratged microphone, loudspeaker, rechargeable lithium ion battery and LEDs that indicate whether the pillow's receiving a call or not (though presumably the loud ringtone screaming into your ear as you sleep might also indicate a call coming in!)"
Crazy and lazy idea.
Source MobileMentalism.com
Hmmm when I think pillow, and sleep I do not think phone call ... ;) Kooky idea!
oh man I would have KILLED for this back in highschool. Now I cover my regular phone with a pillow to muffle the ring so I can sleep a little longer
Where can I get wireless data collection software for my blackberry and Motorola. I have been trying to find something for months now. It needs to support drop down menus, gps, check boxes, maybe capture photos, and bar coding. Please help
Hmm..wouldn't you want peace and quiet when you sleep..oh well..this can be useful for busy people who needs to answer every call they received.
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